- Cereus (plant), a genus of cacti (the family Cactacea) Cactaceae is one of the most distinctive familes of dicotyledenous flowering succulent plants, with around 90 genera and 2500 species, ranging in size from less than half an inch to tens of feet in height. Cacti are exclusively native to the American continent including the West Indies Morphology: Most species of Cactaceae are spiny stem succulents, although there are a few woody shrubs (Pereskia) and more or less succulent epiphytes. Some species have tuberous roots or a fleshy taproot. Many cacti have ribbed bodies that allows easy expansion in response to water uptake after brief showers of rain and contraction in times of extended drought. Water loss is reduced by a waxy epidermis.
All Cactaceae have distinctive modified buds that have evolved into specialised areoles from which grow multiple spines and glochids (right). These should be distinguished from solitary spines or thorns on other plants e.g. spiny Euphorbias, that sometimes branch above the plant body. In some cactus species, spination is minimal, or occurs only during some phases of the succulent plant's life or vestigal spines are present as hairs. Leaves where present are alternate, but usually reduced or absent. Fruits are generally berries with multiple seeds, which may be surrounded by juicy flesh or by a more or less dry membrane and may have external areoles with spines or glochids.
All Cactaceae have distinctive modified buds that have evolved into specialised areoles from which grow multiple spines and glochids (right). These should be distinguished from solitary spines or thorns on other plants e.g. spiny Euphorbias, that sometimes branch above the plant body. In some cactus species, spination is minimal, or occurs only during some phases of the succulent plant's life or vestigal spines are present as hairs. Leaves where present are alternate, but usually reduced or absent. Fruits are generally berries with multiple seeds, which may be surrounded by juicy flesh or by a more or less dry membrane and may have external areoles with spines or glochids.
Harrisia jusbertii Harrisia jusberti is a night-blooming Cereus commonly known as "Queen of the night"
It is a nice columnar cactus that produces huge nocturnal white flowers from spring to autumn.Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family) Scientific name: Harrisia jusbertii (K. Schum.) Britton & Rose Origin: Unknown, maybe Argentina or Paraguay. Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix 2.
Harrisia bonplandii is not valid a synonym of this plant, it is instead a synonym of Harrisia pomanensis.
NOTE: H. jusbertii is considered by some to possibly be a natural intergenic hybrid between Harrisia sp., probably H. pomanensis, and Echinopsis eyriesii rather than a pure species. |

Cultivation: This species presents no problems in cultivation and will do well in a sunny spot in a cactus house. These plants will not tolerate extended periods of frost; they can survive to a minimum temperature of -4°C. Grow them in rich, porous, sandy soil and let their soil dry out between waterings. If potted, repot in the spring if their roots become cramped. Generally, they should be repotted every other year in order to provide fresh soil. However, this doesn't necessarily mean they'll need larger containers. Fill about a quarter of the pot with broken crocks, gravel, etc. to promote good drainage. After repotting, do not water for a week or more.
Multiplication: Harrisia jusbertii can be increased by seeds or cuttings. Cuttings of healthy shoots can be taken in the spring and summer, Cut the stem with a sharp, sterile knife just above a bud or shoot (a 7-10cm long tip or branch is most suitable for propagation) Leave the cutting in a warm, dry place for a week or weeks (depending on how thick the cutting is) until a callus forms over the wound. Once the callus forms, the cutting may be inserted into a container filled with firmed cactus potting mix topped with a surface layer of coarse grit. They should be placed in the coarse grit only; this prevents the cut end from becoming too wet and allows the roots to penetrate the rich compost underneath. The cuttings should root in 2 to 6 weeks.
USE: Harrisia jusbertii forms long columns that are great for grafting valuable species of cacti and - differently from other common grafting stock - don’t induces plants to elongate out of character and produce weak spination. The scions on Harrisia don’t grow as fast as the ones grafted on other tender and stronger stock, but they prosper very easy and can be kept in dark and cold places in winter. It can easily endure some light frost, too.
Harrisia jusbertii for sale 7 cm tall $5.50
Harrisia jusbertii for sale 10 cm tall $8.00
Myrtillocactus geometrizans for sale 12 cm tall only $7.00
Columnar Cacti, Saguaro Cactus, Rare Cereus Cacti for sale
Columnar Cacti, Saguaro Cactus, Rare Cereus Cacti for sale. Most Cereus species are good for grafting. Buy Cereus sp, Myrtillocactus geometrizans (Blue candle), Selenicereus grandiflorus (Queen of the night)

Saguaro Cactus
The saguaro (/səˈwɑːroʊ/, Spanish pronunciation: [saˈɣwaɾo]) (Carnegiea gigantea) is an arborescent (tree-like) cactus species in the monotypicgenus Carnegiea, which can grow to be over 70 feet (21 m) tall. It is native to the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, the Mexican State of Sonora, and the Whipple Mountains and Imperial County areas of California. The saguaro blossom is the state wildflower of Arizona. Its scientific name is given in honor of Andrew Carnegie.

Saguaros have a relatively long lifespan, often exceeding 150 years. They may grow their first side arm any time from 75–100 years of age, but some never grow any arms. A saguaro without arms is called a spear. Arms are developed to increase the plant's reproductive capacity, as more apices lead to more flowers and fruit.
The growth rate of saguaros is strongly dependent on precipitation; saguaros in drier western Arizona grow only half as fast as those in and around Tucson. Saguaros grow slowly from seed, never from cuttings, and grow to be over 40 feet (12.2 metres) in height.[3] The largest known living saguaro is the Champion Saguaro growing in Maricopa County, Arizona, measuring 45.3 feet (13.8 metres) high with a girth of 10 feet (3.1 metres). How to cultivate Saugaros if you have a potted plant. You can find pre-mixed cactus soil at your local home improvement store or garden center. Saguaros will die if left in temperatures below freezing. Saguaros will exhibit very slow growth, and will only reach a height of about 1 inch (2.54 cm) after 1 to 2 years. At this time, you may transplant your saguaro cacti into separate pots. Saguaros will do well inside, but also can be placed on a patio in partial sunlight. Do not overexpose the saguaro to sun, but let it adjust slowly. The cactus will burn if placed in full sun for long periods. Make sure you are safe when you move your cactus because it could hurt you. Wear something like gloves or oven mitts and get a friend or family member to help you.
Saguaro Cactus Ø12 cm for sale $20

Myrtillocactus geometrizans
Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family)
Scientific name: Myrtillocactus geometrizans (Mart. ex Pfeiff.) Console, 1897
Origin: Northern central Mexico down to Oaxaca
Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix 2.
Habitat: Forms forests in some areas of the Chihuahuan desert.
Synonyms: Cereus pugioniferus, Cereus geometrizans, Myrtillocactus grandiareolatus, Myrtillocactus geometrizans var. pugionifera, Myrtillocactus pugionifer
Common Name(s): Blue Candle, Whortleberry Cactus, Garambulla cactus also known as Blue Myrtle cactus (and a myriad of other names),
Myrtillocactus geometrizansis a blue grey candelabra like cactus of western Mexico bearing a small sweet, edible berrylike fruit.
Description: Highly branched columnar candelabra like tree cactus that creates a dense growth of stems growing closely together. In nature grows up to 4.5 m tall, with the crown reaching up to 5 m in width.
Stem: Glaucous (blue grey) Up to 7-10 cm thick. They have 5-8 ribs that are approximately 2.5 cm in depth with areoles about 2.5 cm apart.
Flowers: Rather smaller (2.5-3.7 cm) in relation to stem, greenish white in March, that turn in very sweet, edible, dark red, oblong fruits 8-20 mm in diameter. Starts blooming when it is about 60 cm tall. Recommended Temperature Zone: USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F), USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F), USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F), USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F) Watering Needs: Drought-tolerant; suitable for xeriscaping
Cultivation: They are semi hardy, make sure that your Myrtillocactus are not exposed to temperatures below -4°C or they may die, nevertheless it is a good advice never let the nighttimes temperatures fall below 10°C. Water regularly in summer but allow to dry fully before watering again. Need a well-drained soil mix with small gravel added to ensure drainage. During the winter months they should be rather kept dry and water is restricted to only enough to keep the stems and branches from shrivelling. Since they are big sized plants need plenty of space for their roots, repotting should be done every other year or when the plant has outgrown its pot. Exposure: Light shade when young, full sun later. Propagation: Seeds, cuttings in summer (Cuttings will root only in hot weather. Cuttings must be kept very dry to root)
Notes: NOTE: Myrtillocactus geometrizans is commonly used as understocks for grafting cacti, (which is considered good and which is considered bad for certain). It's very easy to grow and is an excellent stock for small globular cacti that tend to rot off on their own roots and for slower growth seedlings such as Ariocarpus and Turbinicarpus that do not graft very well onto Trichocereus spachianus unless they are larger size pups. For these seedlings (and almost all other seedlings which are not cold hardy), the grafting stock Myrtillocactus geometrizans is a generally a better choice.